Esso Enterprise Agreement

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An Overview of Esso Enterprise Agreements

Esso Enterprise Agreements are contracts that establish the terms and conditions of employment for employees of Esso Australia Pty Ltd. An Enterprise Agreement sets out the rights, duties, and obligations of employees and employers, including pay rates, working conditions, and leave entitlements.

Esso Australia Pty Ltd is a subsidiary of ExxonMobil, a multinational oil and gas company. Esso Australia Pty Ltd is responsible for all ExxonMobil`s operations in Australia, including the production, refining, and marketing of fuels, lubricants, and other oil and gas products.

The Esso Enterprise Agreement is a legally binding document that specifies the employment conditions for employees covered by the agreement. The agreement is negotiated between the company and the relevant trade union or employee representative organization.

The Esso Enterprise Agreement covers a diverse range of employment categories, including oil and gas production, refining, sales, and marketing. The agreement also covers support services such as administration, maintenance, and logistics.

The Esso Enterprise Agreement provides employees with a range of benefits that are not generally available under standard industrial awards. These benefits include shift allowances, additional leave entitlements, and marginally higher pay rates.

One of the key features of Esso Enterprise Agreements is that they provide employees with job security. Once an employee is covered by an Enterprise Agreement, the terms and conditions cannot be changed without the agreement of both the employer and the employee representative organization.

Esso Enterprise Agreements also provide a framework for resolving disputes between employees and employers. This can include disputes over pay, working conditions, and disciplinary matters.

In summary, Esso Enterprise Agreements are an essential part of Esso Australia Pty Ltd`s employment framework. These agreements ensure that employees are provided with fair working conditions, job security, and the ability to resolve disputes in a timely and effective manner.